A recording and write-up of this webinar will be available soon.
A timely conversation with Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Kamalini Ramdas covering healthcare inequity across low-income countries and its consequences for all.
The global pandemic has put a strain on healthcare services across the world but its complications have been far worse in poorer countries. This webinar will expand on the necessity for a suitable vaccination programme in developing and emerging countries to avoid a moral and economic disaster for both the rich and poor and explore innovative solutions to healthcare challenges – such as availability and accessibility. Moderated by Elias Papaioannou, co-Academic Director of the Wheeler Institute and Economics Professor at London Business School.
Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan is the Neil Moskowitz Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland, Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and a Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Sebnem is a former senior policy adviser at the International Monetary Fund and has published extensively in the areas of international finance, international development and applied growth theory. She is the co-author of a recent report launched by the World Health Organization: “The Economic Case for Global Vaccinations: An Epidemiological Model with International Production Networks”
Kamalini Ramdas is Professor of Management Science and Operations and Deloitte Chair in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at London Business School. Her current research examines new ways to create value through innovation, including: service innovation, operational innovation and business model innovation. She has also examined the amount of product variety and component-level variety that firms should offer, and how variety can be managed effectively through design. Recently, Kamalini was the co-author of an article in Nature Medicine about how shared virtual medical appointments could reduce healthcare inequities.