India International Climate and Energy Transition Finance Forum

The Wheeler Institute was delighted to welcome The Climate and Energy Transition Finance Initiative (CETFI), in partnership with London Stock Exchange to the London Business School on Wednesday 25th September, to discuss new approaches to climate finance and leadership from the Global South, starting with India. The latest event in the Wheeler Institute Climate Initiative included public release…

Elias Papaioannou appointed Fellow of the British Academy

Congratulations to Elias Papaioannou (Professor of Economics at London Business School and Co-Academic Director of the Wheeler Institute) on his appointment to the position of Fellow of the British Academy for Social Sciences and Humanities. Professor Papaioannou is an award-winning economist focusing on international finance, political economy, economic history, applied econometrics, growth, and development.  Last year,…

Gridlock and Socio-Economic Development in Latin America: the Case of Bogota

In Latin American countries, where rapid urbanisation and population growth are common characteristics, the role of transportation in facilitating access to metropolitan areas and its consequent effect on regional economic performance is more important than it may initially appear. However, the traffic ‘gridlock’ is a significant challenge to many cities’ aspirations. Moreover, poor transport networks…

Special Economic Zones Unveiled: Lessons from China’s Success Story

Special Economic Zones (SEZs), first implemented in 1959 in Ireland, were designed to stimulate the inflows of Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs), boost exports and employment, and generate growth spillovers in local regions. The term “SEZ” encompasses various zones like export-processing zones, industrial parks, and others. It can be generally defined as a designated area within…

Africa on the Move: the Africa Business Summit 2024

Hosted by London Business School’s Africa Business Club and supported by the Wheeler Institute, the 22nd Africa Business Summit focussed on “Africa on the Move: A 2030 Plan Towards Sustainable Business Policies.”  It aimed to explore Africa’s readiness to achieve critical 2030 goals, particularly around infrastructural investment, financial access and reform, health sector opportunities, and…

New Research on Taxes and Transparency Regulation for Sustainability

The final session of the Tax Bootcamp 2024 at London Business School was focussed on two research papers, centred around tax and ESG in different geographical regions including developing countries. Each was presented by one of the researchers, discussed by an independent academic, and assessed for policy implications by a third party. This article is…

Taxes for Climate Action Across the World

The second session of the Tax Bootcamp 2024, held at London Business School and supported by the Wheeler Institute, moved the conversation away from AI towards taxation and climate action. It was structured around presentations from two speakers, each representing diverse perspectives on climate action from both Europe and the United States on taxation for…

Tax Strategies and the Technological Revolution: Accounting for AI

Last month London Business School hosted the Tax Bootcamp 2024, led by Marcel Olbert (Assistant Professor of Accounting at London Business School) and Rebecca Lester (Associate Professor of Accounting and Senior Fellow at Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research), and supported by the Wheeler Institute. Building on the 2023 Global Tax Conference at LBS, the…