Demonstrating how Sustainable Investment Clusters and Special Economic Zones can be used to drive sustainable and inclusive growth
This project will combine theory with case study applications to illustrate how sustainable investment clusters (special economic zones, industrial parks, agro-processing zones, etc.) can have an outsized impact to catalyse low carbon and inclusive growth. Leveraging the successes of SYSTEMIQ’s involvement in sustainable investment clusters in Africa, this knowledge document will outline the process for developing sustainable SEZs, resources to navigate policy at various levels, a comparison of potential investment categories, and recommendations to further engage with SEZ–associated value chains. It will include inputs from partners in the process such as UNIDO, UNDP, UNCTAD, GGGI and PWC to share their experience and wisdom.
The Impact
The project aims to inspire 50 of these ‘bright spots’ around the world by 2030. The report will serve as a practical guide for those who have a mandate to do better (from governments to zone operators to company leaders) on how to effectively engage with Special Economic Zones to drive sustainable growth.
The importance of transforming our global economy to a model of regenerative growth that addresses the climate crisis and the social inequity crisis is generally recognised. There are calls for this to be the decade of ACTION to ensure that we have enough momentum to enable us to get closer to achieve the agenda outlined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Global change at a global level is hard and not fast.
Sustainable Investment Clusters or Zone provide us with the opportunity to create demonstration cases of how this regenerative economy could work, in a contained geographical locale, and to create lighthouse examples to inspire others to replicate.
Gail Klintworth
Advisor, Wheeler Institute for Business and Development
Who is involved?
- Gail Klintworth, Wheeler Institute Advisor, special advisor to SYSTEMIQ, non-executive director, and board advisor. Gail has served numerous business leaders and entrepreneurs such as Tiger Brands, MAS Holdings, and Shell Foundation to develop tangible solutions that drive growth while accelerating the transition to a lower-carbon, inclusive economy

LBS project team:
- George Looker MBA graduating class 2020
- Sarah Pavlu MBA graduating class 2020
- Charlie Krober MBA graduating class 2020
- Victoria Zhao MiM graduating class 2020
George Looker Sarah Pavlu Charlie Krober Victoria Zhao
The ‘Sustainable Investment Clusters’ research collaboration is part of the Wheeler Institute’s portfolio of internships – offering students a professional experience in London to support the development of applied research, often in collaboration with external organisations.