Money Capital: New Monetary Principles For A More Prosperous Society

During a traffic-jammed taxi ride near Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Patrick Bolton (Professor of Finance and Economics at Imperial College London) and Haizhou Huang (Managing Director at China International Capital Corporation Limited) found themselves debating the concept of contingent convertible bonds. This conversation led to a radical idea: could fiat money be viewed as a…

Keyu Jin in conversation with Hélène Rey Lord Bagri, Professor of Economics at London Business School

Keyu Jin – Understanding a Global Superpower: Another Look at the Chinese Economy

The Wheeler Institute welcomed economist Keyu Jin, to explore China’s rise as an economic superpower. The session, moderated by Hélène Rey Lord Bagri, Professor of Economics at London Business School, part of the Wheeler Institute’s new event series Global Routes. Jin’s presentation delved into the themes from her latest book, The New China Playbook: Beyond…

Special Economic Zones Unveiled: Lessons from China’s Success Story

Special Economic Zones (SEZs), first implemented in 1959 in Ireland, were designed to stimulate the inflows of Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs), boost exports and employment, and generate growth spillovers in local regions. The term “SEZ” encompasses various zones like export-processing zones, industrial parks, and others. It can be generally defined as a designated area within…

The unappreciated spillovers of China’s monetary policy

Identifying the transmission mechanisms of global shocks for better business-cycle management in developing countries “The emergence of China as the largest official lender has far-reaching implications for developing countries. Understanding monetary spillovers from China makes policy makers better aware of the nature of international shocks in order to make better decisions.” Jinglun Yao, PhD candidate…