How to Fund Sustainable Growth in Africa with Bill Winters, CEO of Standard Chartered

A recent event of the Royal African Society (RAS) and Standard Chartered saw Bill Winters, CEO of Standard Chartered, in conversation with Arunma Oteh, OON, Chair of the RAS, about how to fund sustainable growth in Africa. The event was supported by the Wheeler Institute and the LBS Africa Club. Africa’s massive financing gap The…

COP15: Challenges and Opportunities in Mobilising the Private Sector

COP15: Challenges and Opportunities in Mobilising the Private Sector A London Business School webinar part of the Business Schools for Climate Leadership initiative. Scientific evidence shows that climate change is unequivocally caused by human activity and its effects are noticeable across the world. Addressing this emergency will require radical changes in our use of land…

Challenging our WEIRD perspective on African development

African History through the Lens of Economics, an innovative, open-access, online course which attracted over 27,000 people from across the world, explored how history has shaped and continues to influence domestic policies and economic development in Africa. A reflective essay by David Jones, MBA 2022 graduate from London Business School and intern at the Wheeler…

Mapping the SMME Ecosystem in informal markets: Learnings from Alexandra

Our previous post on informal entrepreneurship in Alexandra focused on the typical challenges encountered by mainly informal entrepreneurs and microbusiness owners. This second post will focus on the supporting entrepreneurial ecosystem: Who are the key role players, and what kind of support is available to a typical entrepreneur in Alex? Does this ecosystem provide what…

Leonard Wantchekon’s Personal Perspectives on African History and Economics

African History through the Lens of Economics: An introduction to African development and history Leonard Wantchekon, James Madison Professor of Political Economy and Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University and Founder and President of the African School of Economics and the Pan African Scientific Research Council, was a regular presence in the…

Back to the Future: can the metaverse cities of tomorrow help with urban planning today?

The metaverse is deemed to be the future of society – specifically in our social interaction as well as in the sectors of gaming, finance, and entertainment. Because of this focus, the metaverse has gained a somewhat negative reputation, especially prevalent in developing economies where access, awareness and regulation are limited, as explored in my…

Political Organisation and Social Structure

African History through the Lens of Economics: An introduction to African development and history The Wheeler Institute’s open access online course, African History through the Lens of Economics, covered pre-colonial political organisation and contemporary social structures in two lectures, the first by Stelios Michalopoulos, Eastman Professor of Political Economy at Brown University, and Warren Whatley,…

Understanding the key challenges of entrepreneurs in informal markets: Learnings from Alexandra

This is the first article of a 3-part series on informal entrepreneurship in emerging markets, based on empirical research conducted in the township of Alexandra in Johannesburg, South Africa. Elizabeth Mogale* (not her real name), a 48-year old mother of four, grills chickens on the pavement of 12th avenue in Alexandra, one of Johannesburg’s most…