Health Equity: Implications for Developing and Developed Countries

It is simple and straightforward to make the moral argument that advanced economies should be providing vaccines and support to developing economies. What is more complex, is choosing the correct method of doing so, and demonstrating the positive economic impacts globally. The work of both Professor Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Professor Kamalini Ramdas has aimed to…

Scale and fintech in Africa – some hard questions

Do we know how many African fintech companies have reached scale? Scale is often deemed a yardstick of success by investors, policy makers and practitioners. So it follows that we should be able to answer this question, right? However, this is not as simple as it may seem. There is established knowledge in academia on…

Virtual learning for improved livelihoods: Lessons from female micro entrepreneurs

The use of digital technologies has substantially increased with the pandemic, serving as a lifeline for education, health, livelihood and so much more. Virtual learning has become a reality: one that extends to women in rural India. Join us as we bring together female entrepreneurs from rural India with technologists from Accenture and Amazon to…

Health Equity: Implications for Developing and Developed Countries

A recording and write-up of this webinar will be available soon. A timely conversation with Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Kamalini Ramdas covering healthcare inequity across low-income countries and its consequences for all. The global pandemic has put a strain on healthcare services across the world but its complications have been far worse in poorer countries. This…

The power of purposeful business

How can companies prioritize purpose while balancing their responsibility to shareholders? This dilemma is heightened considering some of the world’s most serious challenges exist in developing countries where solutions are unlikely to be profitable in the short term. Is the trade-off between purpose and profit necessary, or is it possible for companies to achieve both?…

Wheeler Institute project team contributes to the development of knowledge piece on Sustainable Investment Clusters

Demonstrating how Investment Clusters and Special Economic Zones can be used to drive sustainable and inclusive growth Wheeler Institute project team members – George Looker MBA2020, Charlie Krober MBA2020, Victoria Zhao MiM 2020 along with your author Sarah Pavlu MBA 2020 – supported the knowledge piece collaboration between, P4G, SYSTEMIQ and Savo Project Developers: How to Get Stuff Done through…