What’s next for the Sui Foundation and the Wheeler Institute?

Elias Papaioannou (Professor of Economics at London Business School and Co-Academic Director of the Wheeler Institute) caught up with Sui Foundation Managing Director Dr Greg Siourounis (LBS PhD 2004) to discuss the Sui Foundation’s contribution to the Wheeler Institute and their plans to work together to create impact using technological solutions. The Sui Foundation gift…


Firestone: Colonial Concessions in Liberia

Firestone is one of the oldest and largest natural rubber plantations in the world. Founded in 1926 in Liberia by Harvey Firestone, the plantations continue to provide employment for thousands of Liberians to date. Till Trojer, a post-doctoral researcher at the Wheeler Institute, anthropologist and filmmaker, travelled to Liberia last year in May to film…

Highlighting research for impact

Wheeler Institute launches new micro website showcasing business research with a focus on development. The Wheeler Institute has launched a micro website under the banner ‘Business research for impact’. Spanning every urgent social issue from climate change to political economy and gender discrimination to global conflict, the new microsite brings together the Institute’s research into…

“It’s the best way to gain real-world insights” | Pre-Doctoral Research Assistants at the Wheeler Institute

Two Pre-Doctoral Researchers at the Wheeler Institute for Business and Development reveal how the experience has profoundly shaped their academic ambitions – and yielded some surprising insights along the way Whatever preconceptions Pre-Doctoral students have before they join the Wheeler Institute, they are always surprised to find that the experience is much broader than they…

A career inspired by a journey from Cape Town to Cairo with Till Trojer

“Anthropology forces you to reset and rewire your own thinking process. You have to train yourself to be open to the world around” An anthropologist and filmmaker, Dr Till Trojer recently joined the Wheeler Institute as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow.  We touched on his ambition for his research at the Wheeler Institute, and discussed his…

COVID-19 has exacerbated pre-existing inequalities in South Africa… how has the country performed in response to the crisis? How will it recover?

One year on, how has the South African Government performed during the COVID-19 crisis? The Wheeler Institute for Business and Development invited Professor Nick Binedell – Professor and Former Dean of the Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria – to share his views on the government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, and to…

Turkey’s economy… the last two decades

One year on, how has Turkey performed during the COVID-19 crisis? The Wheeler Institute for Business and Development invited Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan – Neil Moskowitz Professor of Economics and Finance University of Maryland – back to share her views on the Turkish government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis over the past year, and her hopes for…

Russia: a brief history and the prolonged impact of COVID-19

One year on, how has the Russian Government performed during the COVID-19 crisis? The Wheeler Institute for Business and Development invited Sergei Guriev – Professor of Economics at Sciences Po – to share his views on the state of the economy, politics and business in Russia before discussing the government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis…