December 2019: Launch of the Africa List Business Barometer

In the largest survey of its kind, The Africa List Business Barometer reveals a high degree of confidence in the business environment across Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia, despite ongoing challenges. Produced by The Africa List, a membership community of Africa’s rising private sector leaders, and developed in partnership with The Wheeler…

Business and Fragile States

State fragility drives some of the biggest problems in our world today: extreme poverty, mass migration, terrorism, trafficking, and more. Why are some countries ‘fragile’, chronically affected by insecurity and political and economic instability? How can private initiatives contribute to better outcomes? On 8 and 9 October, 2019 the Wheeler Institute for Business and Development…

AI for Sustainable Development – In Conversation with Ángel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General

“To realise the full potential of this promising technology, we need one critical ingredient. That critical ingredient is trust. And to build trust we need human-centred artificial intelligence that fosters sustainable development and inclusive human progress – and I stress the word inclusive,” he said.  Artificial Intelligence has the potential to transform our lives –…

Masterclass: Introduction to GIS Methods in Economics

This three-day course organised by the Wheeler Institute for Business and Development introduced researchers in Economics and related disciplines to Geographic Information System (GIS) methods. The masterclass was delivered from 13-15 May 2019 at Sammy Ofer Centre / London Business School. The course placed emphasis on “doing GIS” for economics – i.e., turning geographic data,…

Landmine Contamination and Clearance – Policy and The Way Forward

On April 9th 2019, the Wheeler Institute for Business and Development hosted a conference on Landmine Contamination and Clearance – Policy and the Way Forward. The event, held at London Business School, brought together a range of distinguished speakers from the United Nations Mine Action Service, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, leading NGO’s involved…

Entrepreneurial Leaders of Tomorrow: Ways to Make a Change

Africa’s greatest need is ethical and entrepreneurial leadership. On 14 November 2018, the Wheeler Institute for Business and Development and the LBS student-run initiative The Africa Club hosted a recruitment event at Sammy Ofer Centre / London Business School, featuring the African Leadership Academy (ALA) to give entrepreneurial leaders of tomorrow the opportunity to learn more…

Book launch Dance of the Trillions: Developing Countries and Global Finance by David Lubin

International capital flows have played a major role in shaping the fortunes of developing countries. What makes money flow from high-income countries to lower-income ones, and what makes it flow out again? How do developing countries protect themselves from the volatility of these flows, and how is the rise of China affecting this market?  On…